Glancing Back, Gazing Forward

We have all experienced heights of joy and have weathered storms of sorrow.

by Tim Gay on March 13, 2024

As I look back over my life, I realize just how truly blessed I have been. I am grateful for the faithfulness of God and for the fact that He invited me to join His Sovereign plan to reach this world with His glorious gospel when I was just a boy. At age 12, I accepted Christ into my life and started my journey of faith at Calvary Baptist Church in Dawson, GA. Then at age 18, I began leading music in that same small country church and soon after that accepted the call of God to fulltime Christian ministry. For 43 1⁄2 years now, that is what I have done – led worship, directed the choir, sang songs of the Faith, and followed God wherever He was leading. For all of those years, I have had the same accompanist. For almost 40 of them, I have been married to her.
Having just celebrated 20 years of ministry at FBC Headland has led me to look at old pictures and reflect back on what God has done. Much has happened during those 20 years. We have all experienced heights of joy and have weathered storms of sorrow. For Judy and me it has involved losing dear family members, but it has also included adding new ones – a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law and five precious grandchildren. What a blessing!

I thank God for what He has done, and marvel at all that has happened in the last 20 years. I can’t help but wonder what the future might hold in the next 20? Or maybe 10? Or even 5? We don’t truly know, but what we do know is that God is in control and that He desires to use you and me in His plan of reaching others for the cause of Christ. There are many hurting people all around us. Some live next door. Some live in the same house. Others are sitting next to us in the same pew or in the same bleachers. They need us. But more importantly, they need to meet the loving Savior that we have met.

With love and compassion in our hearts, let’s be missional. Let’s always strive to be ‘on mission’ where we live, work and play. Let’s always live out our faith and look for opportunities to share it with others.

Sincerely His,

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