A Congregational Journey to Discover God's Future Story of Missional Ministry

Our church’s Bible reading schedule recently directed us to the book of Acts where we read concerning the early followers of Jesus, “These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer…” (Acts 1:14). While they waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit these disciples gave emphasis to prayer.

Church Family, we twenty-first century disciples need to follow the example of these first century disciples. We have an important day approaching – the day of The Prism Journey future story presentation on Sunday,
September 29 in the Morning Worship Service. Our church leaders are calling the church family to focused prayer as we approach this special day in the life of FBCH. Please make the following prayer points a priority in your prayers.

Unity: Pray that our church family will be united in heart and mind, seeking God's will together as we move forward with the Prism Future Story.
Discernment and Wisdom: Ask for God's guidance and wisdom for those presenting the Prism Future Story, that they may clearly convey the vision and direction God has laid on their hearts.
Openness to God's Will: Pray that each member of our church will be open and receptive to God's will for the future of our church, trusting in His plan and purpose.
Commitment to the Vision: Ask God to instill a deep commitment to the vision among all members, so that we may work together in unity and love to bring it to fruition.
Church Leaders: Pray for wisdom and discernment for those who will lead our church through this new season.
Celebration of God's Faithfulness: Pray that our church family will celebrate and thank God for His faithfulness in The Prism Journey thus far and will eagerly anticipate His leading in our future.

May all who love Jesus and His Church devote themselves to this prayer effort!
Cecil Sanders

Since February, we’ve been in the Season Two of The Prism Journey – the Strategic Season. During this time 21 men and women, selected by the church family, have been meeting regularly and working diligently to review and pray over insights provided  by the church family in order to discern God’s leading for our church. In groups of seven these brothers and sisters in Christ have composed three possible scenarios for our future missional ministry together as a church. They will present these future stories at the “Shaping Scenarios” event – Sunday Night, May 5th from 5:00-6:30 PM.

This event is every church member’s opportunity to hear and to help shape an agreed upon and Spirit-led future vision for FBC Headland over the next decade of ministry. This is an exciting opportunity for the church family to unite around a common future into which God is pulling us for His glory through our ministry together. Please make it your priority to attend the Shaping Scenarios Event.

Prism Journey for FBCH from the Beginning