Power Through Prayer

Their guide quietly opened the door and whispered, "This is our heating plant." 

by Cecil Sanders on June 21, 2022

Five college students visited London one Sunday to hear Charles Spurgeon preach at The Metropolitan Tabernacle. They arrived early and were met by a kind gentleman who offered to give them a tour. At one point he asked them if they would like to see the furnace room in the basement. It was a hot July day and the students were not interested. But not wanting to appear rude, they consented. Their guide quietly opened the door and whispered, "This is our heating plant."  Surprised, the students saw there in the basement of the Metropolitan Tabernacle several hundred people fervently praying for the service that was about to begin. It was then that their guide introduced himself. He was none other than Charles Spurgeon himself. And he wanted these college students to understand that prayer was the power source of the church’s ministry.1
Prayer truly is the power plant of the church.  And behind any healthy church is a commitment to prayer. God can and does work in a variety of ways. But generally He chooses to respond to the prayers of His people.  This summer adults and students gather for prayer on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM in CH 103 (Adult One Department).  Childcare is available for infants through fifth grade.  In my estimation, this is the most important meeting of the week. I would encourage you to join us for these times as we seek God’s blessing and empowerment for His ministry in and through our church.  Sadly, prayer has become an embarrassingly low priority for many believers. That is a dangerous place to be. If we want to see sinners saved, marriages rescued, sin defeated, and the church revived, we had better cry out to God.
Come pray with us this Wednesday!
Cecil Sanders
Peter D.Wegner, Using Old Testament Hebrew in Preaching: A Guide for Students and Pastors. Grand Rapids: Kregel Academic, 2009 (110)

Tags: prayer, commitment

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