When a child is growing up, the parents will often record their height each year on their birthday by a mark upon a wall in the pantry or laundry room. I remember my father doing just this for me and my brothers during our years at home. He placed a yardstick across the crown of our heads and perpendicular to the wall and then reached over to mark and record our height. It was always exciting to see the growth from year to year (until my little brother measured taller than me!).
So…how do we measure spiritual growth? How do we determine the progress of a disciple of Christ? We know it’s not by religious activities performed, but rather by character transformation. As disciples mature, they are changed more and more into the likeness of Jesus Himself (Romans 8:29).
One of the qualities of a mature and maturing follower of Jesus is selfless and sacrificial service. Jesus says that His followers mature (‘become great’) when they become servants.
26 "It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, 27 and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:26-28)
As we saw this past Sunday morning, Ruth exhibited the heart of Jesus when she selflessly served her mother-in-law Naomi. Maturing believers are becoming more like Ruth.
Last Wednesday night, during our church’s regular business meeting our Nominating Committee and Committee on Committees brought forward their reports for the coming 2023-2024 church year. These committees have worked diligently this spring to seek the Lord and reach out to you the church family for the serving roles of the church. The church family reviewed the reports and gave unanimous support for the teachers proposed in the Nominating Committee report and the committee workers proposed in the Committee on Committees report. Combined, these reports list 339 men and women who are serving FBCH and serving the Lord in this upcoming church year. This is fantastic. We praise God for the so many who are using their gifts, passions, skills and love for Christ and the church to serve this year! This is progress! This is maturity! This reveals God at work in the hearts and lives of His people.
Thanks everyone for serving. And Thanks be to God!
Cecil Sanders